How to Write Your Way to a Client Touchdown

With football season closing in, you can expect all eyes to be on the quarterbacks. As a copywriter, you’re doing the same. Whether it’s a blog post that gets the client a first down or a retention email that takes them inside the 20-yard line, your job is to have the messaging score.

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How to Optimize Ecommerce Websites

Webmasters with ecommerce sites often wonder how to optimize sites that don’t lend themselves to large volumes of content. Here are the main ways you can optimize to help generate links to your site.

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Improve your Marketing Health with Direction from the Cleveland Clinic

If you were at the AMA/AAF Cleveland Chapter mashup on April 20th, you heard Amanda Todorovich, Content Marketing Director at the Cleveland Clinic, present “7 Keys to Content Marketing Success.” Amanda took us through her seven keys, demonstrating how each step validates her department’s success on behalf of its audience, Clinic customers and nearly 50,000 Read More…