How to Master Networking

Forget six degrees of separation, I am fairly certain that we are only three people away from knowing everyone in the Cleveland marketing community.

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Why Theme Parties Are Always Better – Period.

One of the most frequent questions I get asked from people when I’m speaking about social media is, “how do I figure out what to write about?” This is a question that haunts nearly every company and marketing manager out there.

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Starting YOUR Marketing Career

Get involved; ask about what specific marketing elements were used for your favorite campaign or work. Doing this will build your knowledge of the industry and allow you to gain a better understanding of how the business actually works.

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A Q&A with Jan Gusich, CEO of AKHIA

Jan Gusich, CEO of AKHIA, spoke recently at a Cleveland AMA meeting. We caught up with her to get further insight on the topics she discussed at her presentation and to hear more about what she has learned from the time she has spent at her Hudson, Ohio based agency.

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Cultivating Your Audience Part III: A Q&A with Jeff Rohrs

This is the final and third part of a three-part blog series highlighting an interview conducted by Elizabeth Wagner with audience expert Jeff Rohrs on why believes every marketer should strive to increase the size, engagement and value of their audiences.

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