Figuring out what makes a successful marketing team is no easy venture—especially one that can keep up with the times. But here at DigitalMarketer, we’re pretty sure we’ve cracked the code. The marketing industry as we know it has changed drastically over the past few years, and in order to remain successful, the modern marketing Read More…
A Look Back (and Forward) at “Trending Topics You Don’t Quite Understand”
Two worlds collided for me on Tuesday, April 30. Eight and a half years ago, I started working for akhia communications as a young professional with a communications degree and just a little PR agency internship experience to my name. About a year later, I started volunteering for the Cleveland Chapter of the AMA (now Read More…
The Ethics of Targeting Minorities with Dark Ads
For years, advertisers have been able to target and exclude people using “dark ads.” Often, those ads have targeted and excluded minorities. In 2018, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development filed a complaint against Facebook,alleging that the social media platform had violated the Fair Housing Act. Facebook had done this, the complaint alleges, by Read More…
What Influencers Wish Marketers Knew
Studies about influencer marketing are often eager to dissect every detail and produce endless data on marketers, things like marketer pain points, spends or perceived effectiveness. And there are mounds of them. But what about the influencers? Marketers continue to devote more spend to them and rely on their creative ability and network to produce Read More…
Trust Me: How Marketers and Designers Work Together
Though marketers and designers seem to fall on different ends of the spectrum, they can have a great working relationship. Those partnerships are on full display when a campaign is visually pleasing and backed by all the right data. Marketing News spoke with two marketers (Rebecca Sears, CMO of Plantation Products, and John Lewellan, senior director Read More…
Analyzing the Ads with AMA
By Nicole Zahn Whether it’s the food, the company, or the love of the game … the Super Bowl is just as much about the commercials as it is about the game itself. For years, Super Bowl viewers from all over tune in to see whether or not the advertisements will live up to their Read More…
Pepsi Is OK, and the Real Winner of Super Bowl LIII.
By Haley Keding Super Bowl LIII brought more competition than just the Rams vs. the Patriots. Soda giants Coke and Pepsi went head-to-head in their game time marketing tactics, and Pepsi did everything it could to beat Coke for a day on its home turf. As Craig and I debated in last week’s blog, the Read More…
Using Podcasting Within Your Digital Content Marketing Strategy
Interview with Patrick Jebber of MONSTERS Unlimited By Chris Karel In 2012, Patrick launched the Speaking Human podcast with his MONSTERS Communications Director, Shad Connelly. The idea behind the podcast was simple: eliminate industry jargon and mumbo jumbo to focus on the human side of marketing—highlighting all the amazing creativity, innovation, insight, humor, and joy Read More…
Dream Less, Do More: 2019 Marketing Predictions
By: Sarah Steimer We’re closing the book on a decade marked by digital marketing trends, influencers and AI. This final year of the 2010s means less dreaming and more implementing. OPPORTUNITY Knowledge-building The largest percent change (8% increase) in marketing knowledge investments in the prior 12 months was in developing new marketing knowledge and capabilities. RISK Not sharing the Read More…
Looking for Growth in 2018? Get Ready to Get Uncomfortable.
By: J. Walker Smith Growth has shifted to places beyond the reach of companies unable or unwilling to get uncomfortable Growth is found now in uncomfortable places. The literature on growth is vast, but almost all of it presumes that growth is a matter of following well-known principles of business as usual. This succeeds when growth Read More…