The Chapter Executive Assistant is the communications coordinator – overseeing all correspondence with
the members and outside entities – and should possess notable written communication skills.
The Executive Assistant is also expected to perform all the duties specified by the Constitution and Bylaws
or those approved by the Board of Directors.
Specific Responsibilities
- Maintain chapter history and organize chapter documents.
- Prepare a roster of all Officers, committee chairs and committee members
- Update Board Roster Form and submit to AMA.
- Correspondence
- Chapter history
- Annual reports
- Chapter Constitution and Bylaws (submit approved amendments to AMA)
• With guidance from the President-Elect, conduct election procedures including balloting
and submit election ballot and results to AMA.
• Prepare and maintain Board meeting minutes and submit to AMA.
• Make sure the chapter website is up to date.
• Maintain Chapter stationery and letterhead.
• Help prepare Chapter Excellence Awards entry.
• Responsibilities common to all Officers and Directors.
To apply, email Arthur Henke at